Thursday, August 7, 2008

make a difference thursday - taking it global

I just found this great website called Taking it Global, their tag line "inspire, inform, involve". It's a great way to find out more about the things that you care about!

You can commit to a better world on their website. Here's what they say about that: "Are you ready to Commit to a better world? TakingITGlobal's Commit tool is where you can create, browse, and join commitments to making the world a better place. So far, there have been 3082 pledges, and 152 commitments. Explore the commitments in this section and share commitments you've made with your friends!

Of course, you're welcome to create a commitment too. Is there some simple action that you think we could all be taking to address an issue or soften our impact on the planet? Share it and get others involved in making a difference."

So check it out and make it happen!

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