Friday, August 22, 2008

seattle gift show - new friends

Back in the handmade section we had a little time on our hands and I got to meet some new friends.

In the booth next to me was P. Tracey Ludwin from Portland, OR. She had awesome vintage jewelery. I really loved the vintage buttons that she turned into rings. They were super cute. Next to Tracey was Tonya Gray of Oh My Stars. I saw her at the Portland Gift Show and was inspired by her booth design. It was fun to get to tell her that and chat about display ideas.

Agnes of Boutique Unlimited in San Jose and her sister were a lot of fun. She was full of great advice and helpful information as well as sharing treats like roasted chestnuts and milky way bars! Thanks Agnes. She was selling incredible hand carved wooden handbags that were super cool and very high end.

I had no idea about all the strict rules for display either. So if you're a newbie to big trade shows make sure you read all the fine print about combustible fabric and other fire regulations!

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